"Dis-moi dix mots" poétiques

Date de création : 
Me 16/05/2012
Votre note : Aucun
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Cette fiche a été réalisée par Lamine Ndiaye, professeur au Lycée Seydina Limamou laye de Pikine, lauréat du concours de fiches pédagogiques organisé  organisé par l’Association des professeurs de français du Sénégal (ASPF) avec le soutien de la Délégation générale de la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLFLF) en partenariat avec la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français (FIPF) dans le cadre de l'opération "Dis-moi dix mots".

Niveau - A2 / Adolescents
Durée - 2 h
Pré-requis - Avoir des notions sur l’analyse de la poésie et de l’image
Objectif général   - Être sensibilisé à l’écriture de la poésie et à l’expression picturale
Objectifs spécifiques - Approfondir l’analyse de la poésie et de la peinture, permettre un décloisonnement et une approche transversale des deux genres
- Développer le vocabulaire
Support - Liste des 10 mots : Âme, autrement, caractère, chez, confier,  histoire, naturel,  penchant, songe,  transports

Téléchargez la fiche pédagogique

Auteur (externe) : 
Lamine Ndiaye



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Tak masz rację Kartko. Obamie zależy aby ten polski cyrk przestał Europie i USA grozić. PiS wygra wybory. I zanim głodne odwetu stado nieudaczników przestanie się gryźć o stołki, będziemy mieli niby replikę z zachodu Słońca Karpat.
Książe Podkarpacia zostanie otoczony klauzurową opieką Sióstr Milosierdzia.jak większość ludzi w naszej ojczyźnie.  bielizna na noc kobieca ciąża  polityce hydraulik Warszawa hydraulika kostium   kobieca bielizna bielizna  ładna damska Ty, pomiary pomiary wentylacji Warszawa  dobre ja Niepokojaca ,jest zarówno amnezja Polaków jak i postawa mediów.
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Wszechpolskiej jako nowi ministrowie nowych ministerstw ds. o których już nie pamiętamy,
Wspomniany minister sportu -wyprowadzony potem w kajdankach i osadzony,
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Healthy fat loss is comprised of many different aspects. However, the key components include relying upon a solid scientific background, incorporating proper diet and exercise, planning with firm goals in mind, and utilizing proper motivational techniques. Each of these components and more are further described in the "7 Secrets to Fat Loss" guide. Simply click the link below for free access.

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If you're coming out of high school, it's hard to avoid a certain bias against community college. University is seen as having prestige, while college is for those that couldn't make it there. The truth is, when you look at the world we live in, college is one of your best choices for getting your career going. Colleges are about putting down the textbook, getting your hands dirty, and learning life skills, for gainful employment. Here are five reasons why college may be right for you:

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Obama is determined to West

Obama is determined to West Point on Tuesday announced a new strategy for Afghanistan

Some media said that Obama would support surge proposal, and the surge in the number of about 35,000 people up and down, the surge may be from next year in February and March began China news agency, Washington, November 25 - US President Barack Obama has decided to twelve The evening of May a speech at West Point address the nation, will announce his new strategy occhiali oakley in Afghanistan, White Oakley Occhiali da sole per uso quotidiano 2015 Occhiali Da Sole uomo House spokesman Robert Gibbs on the 25th morning we announced the decision to the media. oakley m frame sweep When asked whether the new strategy include the withdrawal plan, Gibbs said the US will not continue to spend nine years in Afghanistan, Obama and key members of the Cabinet and National Security Advisor who has held ten meetings to discuss the new strategy for Afghanistan. Supreme commander of US forces in Afghanistan Stanley McChrystal troop recommendation made in September that the US military should be about 40,000 additional troops to Afghanistan in order to secure victory in the war in Oakley Custom M Frame Strike Afghanistan. And other military officials expect Obama will support the surge proposal, and the surge in the number of about 35,000 people from top to bottom, the surge Oakley Occhiali da sole per uso quotidiano 2015 Occhiali Da Sole uomo may be from next year in February Oakley Store ufficiale Sweep and March before Obama announced the beginning of oakley m frame strike implementation of the new strategy will do this congressman explanatory. Annual spending the war in Afghanistan McChrystal and US Ambassador to Afghanistan Eikenberry may attend congressional hearings next week in Washington ninth year has more than forty billion US dollars. Americans tired of this you do not see the results of a protracted war, the majority of people believe that investment in this war, 'not worth it' is currently stationed in Afghanistan, the United States sixty-eight oakley prezzi thousand soldiers. If Obama agreed to continue to surge, the annual cost of the war in Afghanistan will be over seventy-five billion US dollars on the 24th when President Obama and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met with reporters, he said the Afghan people will eventually take over security responsibility to develop a new strategy in Afghanistan The purpose is to end the war in Afghanistan. He said when announcing this strategy, he will clearly explain the US mission in Afghanistan, as well as how to train and equip Afghan security forces. (End) (reporter Li Jing)


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