Dis-moi un portrait en dix mots

Date de création : 
Me 16/05/2012
Votre note : Aucun

Cette fiche a été réalisée par Ismaïla Bâ, professeur à l’ENFEFS, lauréate du concours de fiches pédagogiques organisé par l’Association des professeurs de français du Sénégal (ASPF) avec le soutien de la Délégation générale de la langue française et aux langues de France (DGLFLF) en partenariat avec la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français (FIPF) dans le cadre de l'opération "Dis-moi dix mots".

Niveau - A2 – B1/Adolescents
Durée - 1 h
Pré-requis - Être capable d’identifier les différents types de textes
- Être capable d’identifier les temps verbaux
Compétence transversale  - Recueillir des informations explicites ou implicites en identifiant des genres et types de textes pour son plaisir, pour comprendre, pour communiquer et pour s’exprimer
Objectif général  - Décrire une personne, développer son sens artistique, sa sensibilité littéraire et sa créativité
Objectifs spécifiques  - Être capable de produire le portrait d’un personnage en s’inspirant des dix mots.
- Repérer les caractéristiques physiques et psychologiques d’un personnage.
Support  - Liste des 10 mots : Âme, autrement, caractère, chez, confier,  histoire, naturel,  penchant, songe,  transports

Téléchargez la fiche pédagogique

Auteur (externe) : 
Ismaïla Bâ



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The intangible magic of Frankfort and Krakoff has left an indelible mark on the brand.“We met in this room,” said Frankfort, sitting comfortably in a coach outlet coupons brown leather chair positioned next Krakoff in the conference room.Sixteen years ago, Frankfort had a meeting with Krakoff, who was about to get on a plane to fly to Milan to go work for Italian house Trussardi.“I persuaded him to help me transform Coach from a house of American leather goods coach factory into a modern accessories brand,” the ceo said with a smirk. “We’ve exceeded our highest expectations. Each milestone led to looking for a new one. The brand has flourished, the business as well. It’s been a remarkable journey, a lot of hard work, a lot of fun…and incredibly successful.”Of course, coach factory stores at the center of the Coach brand heritage is leather goods, and in keeping with the ready-to-wear, Vevers has kept them casual. “I have actively avoided the formal briefcase because I don’t see many younger guys carrying them,” he said. “Our bags are focused on construction and details. Is a guy www.coachoutlet.com/store more comfortable carrying a bag today? I do think so. Something about a modern lifestyle implies some necessity — a vessel for his gym gear and technology…. American style is about relaxed, and it’s about ease, function, utility — and that in itself can bring a new perspective on luxury.”John coach factory outlet Eshaya, vice president of women’s wear at Ron Herman said, “The smaller bags work well with the little dresses everyone is wearing, and in L.A., every woman also needs a giant bag. What I like about this collection is that it’s limited, so women can feel as though they are collecting coach outlet stores a special vintage piece.”Coach had approached Stanley and Ehrlich last spring.“Our dream has always been to make Miss Davenporte into a larger lifestyle brand, like Coach,” said Ehrlich. “We hope these bags, coach outlet which we chose from Coach’s archives, turn into classic shapes like Chanel or Fendi bags.”BOHO CHIC: Douglas Hannant is partnering with Vivre’s Eva Jeanbart-Lorenzotti on a jewelry collection for the resort season, hitting vivre.com and the Douglas Hannant boutique at the Plaza Hotel in December. The line retails from $275 to $1,295 and includes bib necklaces, earrings and cuffs that feature colorful, semiprecious stones with gold detailing. The collection was produced by Sequin. “I was inspired by coach purses outlet a rich, bohemian feel,” Hannant said. “When Eva and I had our first meeting, we had the same idea before even discussing it — gypsy style.”Bernard Arnault has a new toy: a gleaming blue and white yacht christened Amadeus. The luxury goods titan’s vessel was spotted over the summer in coach sale Saint-Tropez and St. Jean Cap Ferrat, where paparazzi caught the likes of Tony Blair and Bono on board.HER GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS: Chrissie Hynde does not want Diego Della Valle to admire her style. When the Pretenders’ lead singer found out Della Valle’s Hogan brand took inspiration from her in creating one coach online of its limited edition Guitar bags, she lashed out. “I was shocked to learn that Hogan named a leather handbag in my honor,” she said in a letter to the Tod’s SpA chairman and chief executive, made available by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “I am going to urge coach outlet online coach factory outlet every member of the public never to buy a Hogan bag — unless of course, you, like Stella McCartney, start making a line using only synthetic materials.” Hogan could not be reached for comment. No word on whether Bob Dylan or Lenny Kravitz were offended by the bags they inspired. Tod’s coach outlet store online executives did not respond by press time.Frankfort said that while he sees Coach as an American brand, with nearly 80 percent of sales originated in the U.S., the second-largest opportunity to grow is in Japan. Coach believes it can increase market share to 6 percent of Japan’s $4 billion imported coach outlet online handbag market through more stores and double-digit comp expansion. Japan is essential to Coach’s plans, as Japanese women account for about 45 percent of the world’s global spending on luxury handbags and accessories, versus 25 percent of her American counterpart.


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Jordan Brand releases the

Jordan Brand releases the latest Jordan Westbrook 0.2 that’s fully covered in a Denim constructed for Spring 2017.This Jordan Westbrook 0.2 offers a more fashionable Basketball Shoes style with its use of dark and light denim covering the entire upper. Premium waxed laces and an Air Jordan 1-inspired Sail rubber outsole completes the design.Take Jordan 11 Space Jam a closer look below and you can now find the Jordan Westbrook 0.2 Denim available at select Jordan Brand retailers such as Capsule.Even though they never Air Jordan 11 Georgetown released, some say the Air Jordan 2 Legends of Summer is arguably the best looking Air Jordan 2 colorway.Jordan Brand designed this Air Jordan 2 for Jay-Z Jordans for sale and Justin Timberlake for their 2013 “Legends of Summer” Tour. The model was included with a handful of other tonal Red versions of classic Air Jordan silhouettes.This jordan 11 bred pair features a University Red and White color scheme that’s built with premium suede, patent leather and scaled leather.While it’s very doubtful for it to ever happen, Jordan 12 Shoes how many of you would like to see Jordan Brand actually give the Air Jordan 2 “Legends of Summer” a retail release?Cast your vote below and let Jordan 13 us know which Air Jordan 2 is your all-time favorite in the comments section.The Air Jordan 4 Game Royal is a brand new Air Jordan 4 Jordan 7 Tinker colorway that will be debuting this June 2017.Dressed in a Black, Game Royal, Matte Silver and White color scheme. This Air Jordan 4 features a Black leather Jordan 7 Shoes upper with Grey and White detailing throughout. Royal Blue accents adds for a nice pop on the inner tongues, Jumpman logo, insole and outsole.Look for the Air Jordan 11 Georgetown Jordan 4 “Game Royal” to release on June 17th, 2017 at select Jordan Brand retail stores. The retail price tag is set at $190 USD.Jordan Brand jordan 11 retro bred introduces their newest lifestyle silhouette, the Jordan Heritage. The shoe is inspired by the original 1985 Air Jordan 1.This release comes dressed in a clean Gym Jordan 11 Shoes Red and White color scheme. Featuring a textile and synthetic nubuck upper. The updated design also includes an Air-Sole unit in the heel for comfortable cushioning and rubber outsole with deep flex grooves for optimal traction.You can now find the Jordan Heritage “Gym Red” available now through select Jordan Shoes Jordan Brand retailers, including Nike.com. The retail price tag is set at $110 USD.Jordan Brand will be bringing back the Air Jordan 13 OG Chicago as Jordan 7 Tinker Alternate part of their Spring 2017 lineup.Dressed in the classic Chicago Bulls color scheme. This Air Jordan 13 a White tumbled upper that runs up the tongue, as Jordan 11 72-10 well as on the unique side panels that the Air Jordan 13 possesses. Red accents surround the ankle hologram as well as finding its way down to Cheap Jordans the midsole. Finishing off the look are Black details on the outsole, and adds minimal detail on the branded tongue as well.Look for the Air Jordan 13 Jordan 1 OG “Chicago” to release on February 18th, 2017 at select Jordan Brand retail stores. The retail price tag is set at $190 USD.The Air Jordan 11 Jordan shoes Low UNC was originally released back in 2001 dubbed, “Columbia Blue.” As part of the Air Jordan Retro Summer 2017 Collection, the iconic Air Jordan 11 Low Jordan Shoes 2016 returns for the first time since its debut.Paying homage to Michael Jordan’s alma mater, this Air Jordan 11 Low comes dressed in a University Blue and White Cheap Jordans for sale color scheme. The defining University Blue color is featured prominently on the patent leather upper, while a White midsole and translucent outsole ground the clean design.Look for Cheap Jordans the Air Jordan 11 Low “UNC” to release on April 15th, 2017 at select Jordan Brand retailers. The retail price tag is set at $175 USD.A Jordans shoes first look at the PSNY x Air Jordan 12 Wheat was on display during the restock of the PSNY x Air Jordan 12 at the menswear label’s Jordan Future pop-up shop at 330 Hudson in New York City.This unexpected “Wheat” colorway of the Public School x Air Jordan 12 comes constructed just like the retail release, Jordan 11 but is dressed in Wheat. While the inspiration behind the use of “Wheat” is still unknown, it could be a nod to NYC’s love for workbooks aka Cheap Jordans For Sale Timbs.Check out the additional image below and for those that are in the NYC area, head over to the shop at 330 Hudson to get a better Jordans for sale look at the PSNY x Air Jordan 12 “Wheat” colorway.While we’ve already seen detailed images of the KAWS x Air Jordan 4 collaboration, we now get New Jordan Shoes a look at the KAWS Air Jordan 4 box that was just revealed by Don C.The box stays pretty true to the other Air Jordan 4 boxes, Cheap Jordans but the top features KAWS’ signature “XX” with “AIR” below it. There is also additional KAWS graphics covering the Black colored lid.Look for the KAWS x Air Jordan 7 Jordan 4 to release this March 2017 in limited quantities along with matching apparel. The retail price tag is set at $350 USD.You can already find the Jordans For Sale collaboration available on eBay.Jordan Brand designed a special edition Air Jordan 3 8 Kobe Pack back in 2016 as a tribute to Kobe Bryant’s 20 years Jordan shoes in the NBA.The Air Jordan 7 Hyper Pink will extend Jordan Brand’s kids exclusive “Hyper Pink” Collection for 2017 that included the Air Jordan 6 and Cheap Jordans for sale Air Jordan 13 silhouettes. Just like the other two releases, the Air Jordan 7 comes in a similar makeup.Dressed in a Black and Hyper Pink color scheme. Jordan Basketball Shoes This Air Jordan 7 features a mixture of smooth and tumbled leather covering the upper. Hyper Pink contrasting accents is seen on the Jumpman branding, midsole and Jordan Eclipse icy outsole. While the other two featured 3M reflective detailing, it doesn’t look to appear on these.Look for the Air Jordan 7 GS “Hyper Pink” to release Jordan 12 on April 29th, 2017 at select Jordan Brand retail stores. The retail price tag is set at $140 USD.Let us know what you guys think of this Jordan 13 Shoes new colorway in the comments section, and keep it locked to Sneaker Bar for more updates.
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